External Rotation of Humerus - Benefits and Techniques

Nov 24, 2023


At IAOM US, we believe in the importance of maintaining optimal health and physical well-being. As experts in the field of orthopedic medicine, our chiropractors and physical therapists are dedicated to providing the highest quality care. In this article, we will explore the benefits and techniques of external rotation of humerus, a fundamental movement that plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy shoulder joints.

Understanding External Rotation of Humerus

External rotation of humerus refers to the movement of rotating the upper arm bone, the humerus, away from the body's midline. This movement primarily occurs at the shoulder joint, allowing for a wide range of motion and functional abilities.

Importance of External Rotation of Humerus

External rotation of humerus is essential for various daily activities and sports performances. This movement helps in:

  • Improving overall shoulder joint mobility
  • Preventing shoulder impingement
  • Enhancing overhead movements such as throwing, serving in tennis, or lifting objects
  • Strengthening the rotator cuff muscles
  • Reducing the risk of shoulder injuries

Techniques for External Rotation of Humerus

There are several effective techniques to improve external rotation of humerus and enhance shoulder joint function. Our highly skilled chiropractors and physical therapists specialize in the following methods:

1. Passive External Rotation

This technique involves a chiropractor or physical therapist gently rotating the patient's arm, helping to restore range of motion and improve flexibility. It is particularly beneficial in cases of shoulder stiffness or after injuries.

2. Active Assisted External Rotation

In this technique, the patient actively participates in the movement while receiving assistance from the chiropractor or physical therapist. Active assisted external rotation helps to reinforce muscle activation patterns and increase shoulder strength.

3. Resistance Training

Resistance training is vital for building strength and stability in the external rotator muscles. IAOM US offers targeted exercises and rehabilitation programs that focus on developing these muscles, facilitating improved external rotation of humerus.

4. Stretching and Mobility Exercises

Stretching and mobility exercises play a key role in maintaining optimal muscle flexibility and joint mobility. Our experts design customized stretching routines to address individual needs, allowing for proper external rotation and preventing muscular imbalances.


External rotation of humerus is a crucial movement for maintaining healthy shoulder joints and overall physical well-being. At IAOM US, our team of chiropractors and physical therapists is dedicated to promoting optimal joint mobility and overall health through expert orthopedic care. Whether you are seeking preventative care or specialized treatment for shoulder injuries, our comprehensive approach can help you achieve your goals.